Rekomendacja dla firmy PA-KO Poland | 11/10/2024 Głównym wykonawcą od Q4 2023 w zakresie usług remontowych, budowlanych oraz realizacji kompleksowych projektów fit-out jest firma PA-KO. New supplier
Zakończenie współpracy z firmą stolarską WeWork Office Poland | 11/10/2024 Informujemy o zakończeniu współpracy z firmą stolarską WeWork Office (obecnie WWO Creative Space) oraz We Work Office Fit Out 1. Supplier updates
Accor and Fermob - A partnership serving hotel excellence! Switzerland | 16/07/2024 Two Decades of partnership between Astore and Fermob that reflect a shared commitment to delivering a quality customer experience by combining design and sustainability. Procurement news
GEHRIG GROUP - New prices and conditions on kitchen equipment Switzerland | 03/09/2024 Discover the new agreement negotiated for you by Astore Procurement teams with our partner Gherig Group for kitchen equipment. Price updates
GEHRIG GROUP - New prices and conditions on kitchen equipment Switzerland | 03/09/2024 Discover the new agreement negotiated for you by Astore Procurement teams with our partner Gherig Group for kitchen equipment. Price updates
Accor and Fermob - A partnership serving hotel excellence! Switzerland | 16/07/2024 Two Decades of partnership between Astore and Fermob that reflect a shared commitment to delivering a quality customer experience by combining design and sustainability. Procurement news